Tuesday, October 6, 2009

10/6 Rehearsal

Tonight's rehearsal was such a success, and I owe it all to my capable cast and my rock star ASM, Rebecca!! I feel that in these rehearsals I have created a family environment, where ideas and suggestions can be shared, both good and bad, and in the end we are all looking out for each other. What with this being such a personal piece, I could not ask for more from the people involved in sharing and creating this art.

Tonight, we played with a couple ideas I have been mulling over in my head. We worked on creating "dashboard ornament phrases." These phrases consist of combinations I have taught which move through space, except I have asked my dancers to create their own phrases based on this movement, but the only catch is that they must stay in the same place. I found this movement to be extremely personal, and in the video from rehearsal you will see Billy, Brooke M., Brooke S., Remy, and Ricci perform their phrases. I am trying to find a place for the rest of my cast to perform their phrases because they really are quite stunning!!

We also played with combining the phrases we have worked on, utilizing two differing music tracks, and attempting to create a string of phrases. I am very pleased with this permutation of work we created tonight. I must applaud my dancers because their focus and drive to accomplish this task tonight was STELLAR!! We accomplished SO MUCH!! I hope to have guests come and watch my rehearsals live, so that my dancers can have someone to perform for, other than Rebecca and myself. If anyone reading this blog would like to come and visit a rehearsal, please let me know!! We rehearse on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 8-10, in Building J. Email me at rick.westerkamp@gmail.com. I would LOVE the feedback!!

Without further ado, here is the permutation of work we created today.

1 comment:

  1. omg i love it! fabulous timing and movement and space!! fierce!!!
